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Horst Linke

  Horst Linke has been involved in the aquarium hobby since early childhood. His first study animals included fightingfishes and other labyrinthfishes, and these remain the focus of his interest to the present day.  Hence during a trip across the “Dark Continent” in 1963 he took the opportunity to study the natural habitats of the African labyrinthfishes. And this was simultaneously the beginning of a second field of interest: the maintenance and breeding of West African cichlids, as well as the study of their biotopes. Since 1973 he has made numerous research trips to the Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Kenya, and Tanzania, as well as to Bangladesh, Borneo, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Hongkong, Sumatra, Java, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, and China. His interest in South American dwarf cichlids, freshwater angelfishes, and discus has taken him several times to the South American countries of Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. During his travels he has studied natural habitats and collected information that has led to interesting new knowledge regarding maintenance and breeding in the aquarium, and he has also had the opportunity to bring back rare, in most cases previously un- or little-studied  fishes for his aquaria back home. Numerous published works have reported his experiences, always very informatively illustrated with his own photos of fishes and biotopes. Because of his good working relationships with scientists at various museums and universities, it has been possible successfully to evaluate the results of his researches.

  Horst Linke has for many years been actively involved in the aquarium hobby. To the present day the labyrinthfishes, together with West African cichlids, angelfishes, and discus, remain at the forefront of his interest. Numerous lectures at a wide variety of events have demonstrated the quality of his knowledge and experience. Throughout his fishkeeping career the exchange of information with other aquarists has always been paramount.


Labyrinthfishes from Asia
The genus Anabas
The genus Belontia
The genus Betta
The genus Colisa
The genus Ctenops
The genus Helostoma
The genus Luciocephalus
The genus Macropodus
The genus Malpulutta
The genus Osphronemus
The genus Parasphaerichthys
The genus Parosphromenus
The genus Pseudosphromenus
The genus Sphaerichthys
The genus Trichogaster
The genus Trichopsis
Labyrinthfishes from Africa
The genus Ctenopoma 
The genus Microctenopoma


  I have been an aquarist ever since my early youth, and my first fishes were Siamese Fighters, Betta splendens. That was many decades ago but these fishes have never lost their fascination for me – labyrinthfishes in general, that is, and many of them in particular. Their bright colours and interesting behaviour mean they are always special, and so do their requirements as regards optimal maintenance.

  In the interim I have also embraced other groups of fishes, for example the small, colourful West Africans, and Discus with their very interesting brood care, and have been very successful with one of the Kings of the Aquarium, the Altum Angelfish. But I have always continued to keep labyrinthfishes as well. In addition to the numerous different Betta species I never cease to be fascinated by the little liquorice gouramis, and that is one reason why in recent years I have visited and studied a multitude of the natural habitats of these small, brightly-coloured Parosphromenus species. Unfortunately, in so doing I have established that these habitats – and with them the animal and fish species to which they are home – are increasingly falling victim to the need of humans for living space plus industrial and agricultural usage. Natural disasters such as major flooding and exceptional spates have destroyed or altered some natural habitats, often those limited to a small area. Here too many species have been lost as a result, and sometimes biotopes I had explored in the past were completely changed or no longer existed at all. As a result there are increasing numbers of cases where species that formerly lived at a site can no longer be found, leaving us aquarists with the task of at least keeping these fishes in existence in the aquarium. A good example of this is the worldwide conservation program for Parosphromenus-species at as well as efforts to distribute rare but still surviving labyrinthfishes as part of the work of the European Anabantoid Club mit Arbeitskreis Labyrinthfische im VDA (EAC/AKL) at under the heading “Have and Search”.

  During my travels I have discovered numerous new species and often been able to bring them back for the aquarium for the first time. This would often not have been possible without qualified support in the field, so I would like to thank all those who accompanied me during my trips, above all Atison Pumchoosri, Hendra Tommy, Katsuma Kubota, Nathan Chiang, Patrick Yap, and Thomas Sim, without whose help I would not have been able to observe many species in their natural habitats and subsequently in my aquaria back home. I would also like to thank Dr. Jürgen Schmidt for reviewing the manuscript and Mary Bailey for the English translation.

  In this book I have tried to present all the species known to and described by science up to 2012, not least because the number has increased enormously over the past decade. Most of the fish names are based on the original descriptions, even though the spelling isn’t always correct in the view of various current scientists.

  I hope that this book, containing my biotope studies, numerous illustrations, and my suggestions for optimal maintenance, will contribute to the conservation of the host of colourful and extremely interesting labyrinthfishes.
Horst Linke
Schwarzenbach am Wald, Germany, Oktober 2013


  • ISBN:9789868452770
  • 規格:精裝 / 600頁 / 21 x 29.7 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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... ​ 二婚夫妻,滿心猜疑,互相算計 夫妻齊心,其利斷金,夫妻離心,婚姻不穩。當兩個人結婚時都要藏心眼,互相算計,那這樣的婚姻要想一直走下去,也是很難。 原配夫妻有共同打拚下來的財產,有共同的孩子,是利益的共同體,所以一心。再婚夫妻,就會出現形形色色的複雜問題。 董曉莞與彭海亮要結婚了,都是二婚,所以商量婚禮也不打算大張旗鼓地操辦,只宴請幾桌親朋好友。 可是這婚還沒等結,兩個人就開始鬧矛盾了,兩個人要寫結婚協議。協議兩個人掙的錢怎麼分。 彭海亮說:我掙的錢肯定不能全交給你,我要給女兒撫養費,還要給我父母養老錢。 董曉莞說:那你交我多少錢,我的工資是不是也不交家裡。 彭海亮說:你的工資不交,為啥讓我交啊。 「嫁漢嫁漢穿衣吃飯,我嫁給你圖啥?」董曉莞有些生氣,她沒想到平時對她挺大方的男人,一下子就變得小氣了。 因為兩個人也處了大半年,都有了感情,雖然不樂意,但是沒有表現出來。 最後兩個人簽了個結婚協議。 討價還價,彭海亮每個月給董曉莞2800塊錢,包含生活費伙食費,其餘的錢彭海亮掙多少錢與董曉莞無關。同樣,董曉莞自己掙的錢也與彭海亮無關。 這個結婚協議寫完之後,兩個人都不是滋味。 董曉莞想起已故的前夫了,前夫掙多少錢就交給她多少,花錢時向她要。所以董曉莞從來沒有想過夫妻兩個人還會為金錢計較。尤其是居然討價還價,由3000元談到2800元。 彭海亮心裡也不舒服,感情你董曉莞和我結婚,就是為了錢,當初什麼愛呀情啊都是假的,最終目的就是讓我養活你。 結婚半年後兩個人出現了婚姻危機。結婚後彭海亮不做家務活,一樣上上班,一樣的累,可是董曉莞回家要做飯,要洗衣服擦地收拾屋子,理由很簡單,一個出錢一個出力。 彭海亮偶爾會嫌棄董曉莞做的飯菜過於簡單,都是青菜,他心裡認為董曉莞就是把錢省下來攢著給兒子花,所以心裡悶悶不樂。 當然,董曉莞和彭海亮有一次逛街,彭海亮居然給女兒花了一千塊錢買運動套裝,卻沒捨得給董曉莞買衣服。從那一刻起,董曉莞的心有點涼了。二婚夫妻,一旦錢財不放一起,一點點也就不在一起了。 董曉莞想來想去,覺得就先對付過吧,只是她還有房子住,還有人付生活費。她付出勞動力,掙點保姆的錢。還比很多女人強,成了免費保姆還沒人感謝。 其實像董曉莞與彭海亮這樣再婚夫妻協商一個出錢一個出力的很多,如果兩個人能夠認同這種模式生活下去,也是可過到老的。 ... ​ 有一種二婚夫妻,兩個人結婚之後有了共同的孩子,這樣的婚姻看似穩定,實際上更是一團糟。 有一個網友紅和我​傾訴,說老公劉俊把家裡錢都給了他和前妻生的兒子了。他兒子考大學,他全款供孩子上學,兒子畢業後,他又貸款給兒子買房子用作結婚的,家裡大部分積蓄都拿了出來,將來小兒子怎麼辦? 紅與劉俊吵了,鬧了,可是於事無補,劉俊說自己離婚再婚對不起兒子,就想用錢補償一下。 可是紅認為劉俊花的是他們共同的財產。 劉俊則人為錢都是我自己​掙的,我想怎麼花就怎麼花,你一分錢不掙,我養活你,你還要管著我看著我,和我吵,太煩了,能過就過,不能過就離婚。 紅是真傷心了,可是又捨不得扔下孩子離婚,所以她與​劉俊的婚姻過得很擰巴。 這個問題,估計誰也無法評論對錯,一個是親生兒子,一個是再婚老婆,不論劉俊偏心哪一方,最後都會受指責。所以只能是各退一步,劉俊給兒子花錢適當收斂些,哄也要站在劉俊的立場考慮考慮,某天你們夫妻緣盡,難道劉俊出錢養活你們的兒子,也是錯嗎? 離不起,過不好,也是二婚夫妻​的一個大難題,而且比原配更複雜的是金錢上還要分心眼。 其實不論初婚還是再婚,只有兩個人坦誠相待,真正融為一體​,不論是金錢還是感情是,都不分彼此,婚姻才會更幸福。(圖片來源網絡,圖文無關) 二婚夫妻,難容一體 聽說,做情人的那個女人很醜 你老了,已經不能陪我過夫妻生活了,離婚 ...














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